Tournament FAQs
- Use the app to get information
- What time will the doors to Tomball Memorial High School be open? The main doors should be open by 7:00 am, if not before.
- What do I do when I get to Tomball Memorial High School? Find your assigned table to sit and wait in the commons area. Report to your challenge site 20 minutes prior to your scheduled time EXCEPT Engineering. Report one hour prior.
- Pin Trading There will be a designated pin trading area set up. Many team members will bring towels to display their pins on. Pins will be available for purchase at the DIme Store. There will Mystery Bags of pins and we will be auctioning some sets.
- Where is my challenge site? There will be signs everywhere directing to the various challenge sites.
Scientific - Yellow signs
Fine Arts - Blue signs
Improv - Red signs
Engineering - Green signs
Service Learning - Gray signs
Early Learning/Rising Stars - Pink signs
Instant Challenge - Purple signs (no parents allowed)
- What do I do when I get to my challenge site? Each challenge site has a check-in area, it is usually a table with chairs or a desk. When you get to your site, talk to the check-in person, and they will give you further instructions. TEAM MEMBERS check in, not team managers.
- Who is allowed to watch our performance? We strongly encourage all parents and supporters to come out and watch your team challenge performance! However, only one team manager is allowed to be in the instant challenge room with the team.
- Are watches allowed in Instant Challenge? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Per the rules of the road, NO electronics are allowed in the IC rooms, that includes you team managers! Please leave all electronics behind with a trusted supporter when heading to the IC portion of your performance.
- Do we have to stay all day? Once both of your performances ( main and IC ) are complete, you are free to go. We encourage everyone to spend some time watching other performances and to visit the Dime Store in the main commons. Of course, everyone should plan on returning for the awards ceremony later that night!
- Will there be food available for purchase? Yes, in the main commons. Other food items from 10am-3pm.
- What payment methods does the DIme Store take? We will accept cash, checks and credit cards on tournament day at the Dime Store, located in the commons. Please support us by purchasing the North Harris t-shirt and pin ! There will be other souvenir items for sale as well.
- Do I have to know my team number? You don't have to memorize it, but make sure you have it on you. Cell phones are great for this sort of thing! Just in case we got your team name wrong, the team number will be right on our paperwork!